RT is a method used for detecting internal defects in various materials and configurations.

Method basics:

  • The method is based on the fact that ionising radiation (X or gamma) can penetrate matter while being attenuated by it, depending on the thickness traversed.
  • If the radiation meets a discontinuity (crack, pore, hole) of the material, its attenuation decreases, and a larger amount of radiation will impress a photographic film or fluorescent screen situated on the opposite site of the tested part (silver film or fluorescent screen).

We offer silver film X-ray testing services. We are certified to work in our own laboratory, as well as organise outside testing, at our clients' premises.


ET is a method for detecting surface and subsurface discontinuities. This method can also sort materials, measure wall thickness, determine the thickness of coatings.

Method basics:

  • In order to induce eddy currents in a conductive material, a coil supplied with alternating current is placed on the surface of the inspected part.
  • The induced eddy currents modify the coil's magnetic field, a phenomenon that is detected by the device's electronic circuits
  • When the eddy currents meet a discontinuity, they change. The coil's magnetic field records this change and the device will display a particular signal on the screen.


UT can detect in-depth discontinuities of the materials, up to 6-7 meters deep. The method is very sensitive to small defects, and the location and size of the defect can be determined with good accuracy.

Method basics:

  • High frequency sound waves are introduced into the inspected material.
  • These waves suffer a loss of energy (attenuation), but also phenomena of reflection or refraction.
  • The reflected part of the wave can be detected and analysed to obtain data on the presence of a discontinuity.


MT can detect discontinuities open at the surface or located immediately near the surface, on objects that can be magnetised.

Method basics:

  • The object is magnetised. Around the areas with discontinuities appears a so-called "escape field", where the density of the magnetic field lines is much higher.
  • After applying very fine particles of magnetic material, these will be attracted by the escape field, highlighting the discontinuity.

We offer magnetic testing on a stationary machine, in our laboratory, as well as the clients' premises, through magnetisation with a magnetic yoke.


PT is used to detect open-surface discontinuities in any material (except porous ones).

Method basics:

  • A penetrating liquid is applied to the surface of the product. The liquid enters discontinuities as a result of the capillary effect.
  • Surplus penetrant is removed.
  • The surface is dried.
  • The surface is dried.

We offer contrast and fluorescent penetrant testing in our laboratory, as well as the clients' premises.